Expand Your Horizons by Extending a Helping Hand

Life is tough at times. At one time or another, you probably have experienced a situation that knocked you down… and maybe you didn’t know if you could get back up. So many people face this situation in our community and have no where to go and no one to turn to… this is where we come in. We offer a ‘helping hand’ to people when unexpected life situations knock them down.

Our Core Services

From emergency housing to job skill training, we’re here to help our community thrive.

Habitat & Homing

We offer solutions to individuals and families that find themselves in situations of homelessness whether through natural disaster or other circumstances.

Job Skills & Education

We encourage people to learn skills and educate themselves. Education is vital to growth and development. We provide paths for people to pursue their goals.

Career Connections

Through our network of public, private, and business connections, we introduce our people to these connections to enable them to step into a career field.

Community Development

We work closely with community leaders and volunteers to improve programs, offerings, and support for citizens that just need that helping hand.

Donate Today!

We’re here to listen, collaborate, and care for our communities and its citizens. Whether it’s through an email, a phone call, or a visit to our office, initiating a conversation is the first step towards connecting with us.

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